
Showing posts with the label Komputer

How to Improve the Performance of Windows 7

 How to Improve the Performance of Windows 7     For those who've tried windows 7 can definitely see the difference in performancecompared to Windows Vista or XP. But the big problem with all windows operatingsystem is a decrease in performance over time.    There is a freeware that can be used to stabilize, optimize and control many aspects of Windows 7, namely EnhaceMySe7en. This software has all the toolsneeded to take care of Windows 7 in good condition.      EnhaceMySeven have the tools that can handle the registry, defragment your harddisk, the software is installed, the temperature of HDD (Hard Disk) and a variety oftools related to system performance. Also there are many other options to helpimprove the performance of your system. 1. Process Identification - Identify unrecognized software. 2 . Start-Up Management - Disable unessential software to improve performance. 3. Registry Cleaner - To inspect and re...