
Showing posts from June, 2012

Algorithms to remove duplicates


Algorithm to calculate the value of x^y with x and y are integers real numbers


Algorithm to find the area and circumference of a circle


Algorithm to convert temperature


Algorithm to print area of ​​a triangle


Algorithm 1-dimensional array to print by the sorting


Algorithm to determine an upper triangular matrix or not


Reflections weeks to 14

Lecture at a meeting of the 14th week or last that discusses the Array "Recursive". Recursive means that a process can call her own. According to the definitions in the Microsoft Bookshelf, is the ability of a recursive routine to call itself. Recursive definition is actually contained in the procedures and functions. The difference is that the recursive call to itself can be, but the procedures and functions must be called by the caller procedures and functions. Recursive programming is an important technique and some programming languages ​​support the existence of this recursive process. In procedures and functions, the call to itself could mean an iterative process that can not be known when it will end.

The algorithm combines two arrays into two-dimensional array, with the terms "same elements must co-exist"


The algorithm accommodates two-dimensional array of data, perform calculations on data and display data display two-dimensional


Algorithm to sort a series of numbers entered by the method selection sort


Algorithm shifts the number to the right and left


Algorithm to find the mode of a number


Algorithm to find the maximum value, minimum, and the total number the user entered


Reflection week to 13

Lecture meeting this week to discuss about the Pointer, Pointer (pointer variable) is a variable that contains the memory address of the other variables. This address is the location of another object (usually another variable) in the memory.

Reflection week to 12

This week's meeting to discuss about the algorithm records. RECORD is a collection of heterogeneous data unit, which consists of various types. Set of data is often referred to as the field of the record. Field was called by a name each. A field may consist of several subfields.

Reflection week to 11

At a meeting this week lecture material covered is about 2-dimensional array. 2-dimensional array is a variable that stores the data set that has the same type and the element to be accessed through an index or subscript 2 is the row index and column index. General form of the declaration: nama_array [jumlah_elemen_baris] [jumlah_elemen_kolom];

Reflection week to 10

At this time the lecture meeting to discuss the topic on Searching. Search algorithms (searching algorithm) is an algorithm that accepts an argument with a key and specific measures will find records with that key. After the search process carried out, will be obtained in one of two possibilities, namely that the data sought is found (Successful) or absence (unsuccessful).

Algorithm to find the volume and surface area of ​​cubes


Print the odd algorithm from 0 to 10


Reversing the word algorithm (recursive)


Reversing the word algorithm (iterative)
